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Ah, the thrill of bow hunting! There’s unparalleled joy and excitement that accompanies this primal sport. Bow hunting has an inherent charm that captivates enthusiasts from all walks of life, age, and skill levels.
Here are my seven tried and tested tips to elevate your bow-hunting game this season.
1. Timing Your Bow Hunting Start
As an experienced bow hunter, I find the early spring season an ideal time to kickstart your bow-hunting journey. The advantages are manifold. Not only will you have ample time to perfect your bow skills before the actual season starts, but you can also tap into the seasonal spring cleaning spirit to embark on your personal growth journey.
Additionally, the early season is an excellent opportunity to land a magnificent catch with a well-thought-out strategy.
2. Ensuring Your Equipment is in Perfect Shape
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned bow hunter, the importance of double-checking your gear before venturing into the woods cannot be overstated. Loose sight pins or screws can make or break your hunting adventure.
I learned this the hard way. Trust me; you don’t want to be making a racket adjusting your equipment when you should be silently waiting for your game. And yes, don’t forget to bring your Allen wrenches along!
3. Utilizing Scents and Lures to Attract Deer
Deer are incredibly sensitive to smells, and this can be turned to your advantage. Over the years, I have found scents and lures to be an effective method to attract deer. Tink’s Power Scrape scent, for instance, works wonders during the pre-rut season.
Similarly, the estrous scent is great for attracting bucks during the rut. Starting early and exercising patience is key when using any scent or lure.
4. Prioritizing Silence Over Speed
There’s been an industry obsession with bow speed in recent years, but let me tell you, your bow’s feet per second (FPS) aren’t as crucial as you might think. Did our ancestors need 300 FPS bows for successful hunts? Unlikely.
The reason is simple. Sound travels at 1,090 feet per second, and your arrow’s speed isn’t nearly that fast. This time difference allows deer to hear your bowstring fire and react before the arrow reaches them.
The solution? Silence. You can achieve this through several means, such as purchasing a quieter bow, installing string silencers, ensuring your bowstring is waxed, and that your clothing isn’t impacting your bowstring on the release.
5. Knowing Your Effective Kill Range
Unlike a gun, a bow’s point of impact can significantly differ based on the distance. For instance, a shot from a bow sighted in for 20 yards could bury your arrow in the ground six feet in front of a deer if attempted at 40 yards. Therefore, knowing your effective kill range is crucial.
6. Upholding Ethical Hunting Practices
Respecting your game is an essential part of the hunting experience. Hunting should be done ethically, meaning that if you’re using a 40 lb. draw bow, a 60-yard shot isn’t ethical or fair to the deer. The goal should always be to ensure a quick and humane kill.
Wrapping Up: The Art of Bow Hunting
Bow hunting is more of an art than a science. It requires skill, practice, and a lot of patience. Success rates can sometimes be as low as 5%, which makes it all the more essential to make every opportunity count.
Take ethical shots, ensure proper alignment, and target acquisition before releasing the arrow. Remember, the success of your bow-hunting adventure lies in your hands, or rather, your bow.